Cory Anderson
Sociology/Demography | The Pennsylvania State University
Editor Cory Anderson is co-founder of JAPAS and NIH-NICHD postdoctoral fellow at Penn State’s Population Research Institute. Anderson is broadly knowledgeable about the plain populations and has particular interests in theory, demography, peoplehood, and the field of Amish studies. As a religious convert and insider-outsider to the plain Anabaptists, his perspectives are informed by sustained, daily interaction. He has published in numerous respected journals including Social Science & Medicine, Population Studies, Sociology, and The Sociological Quarterly. Publications are listed at Academia and ORCID.
Amish Population Health Review Series
AREA ANALYSIS: “Research Trends in Amish Population Health, a Growing
Literature about a Growing Rural Population.” Journal of Rural Social Sciences
36(1):Article 6. 2021. -
HEALTH CULTURE: “The Amish Health Culture and Culturally Sensitive Health
Services: An Exhaustive Narrative Review.” Social Science & Medicine 265:113466. 2020. -
PHYSICAL HEALTH: “Physical Health Conditions of the Amish and Intervening Social Mechanisms: An Exhaustive Narrative Review." Ethnicity & Health. 2022.
Critical Analysis of the Field of Amish Studies
Studies, 1942 to 2017: A Critical Review of Scholarship Trends (with an Extensive
Bibliography)." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 5(1):1-65. 2017. -
THE DOMINANT PARADIGM: "A Critical Appraisal of Amish Studies’ De Facto Paradigm, ‘Negotiating with Modernity’." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(3):725-42. 2019.

Steven Reschly
History | Truman State University
Steven Reschly is professor emeritus of history at Truman State University and studies the history of the Amish in America. He has been active on the editorial board since JAPAS's inception and stepped into the role of assistant editor in 2019.
Reschly, Steven. 2000. The Amish on the Iowa Prairie: 1840-1910. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Zimmerman Umble, Diane, Kimberly Schmidt, and Steven Reschly. 2002. Strangers at Home: Amish and Mennonite Women in History. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Reschly, Steven. 2017. "Paradigmatic Paradigm Problems: Theory Issues in Amish Studies." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 5(1):66-81.

Rosanna Hess
Health | Independent Scholar | Malone University
Rosanna Hess was a nursing instructor with a focus on research for many years, on faculty at Malone University. She takes a holistic, qualitative approach to understanding health practices among the Amish with a particular interest in burn care. She has published her findings in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Journal of Holistic Nursing, and JAPAS.
Hess, Rosanna. 2018. "Amish and Mennonite Lay Caregivers' Experiences Using the B&W Burdock Leaf Treatment on Burns and Wounds: A Qualitative Study." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 6(2):144-59.
Hess, Rosanna. 2017. "Amish-Initiated Burn Care Project." Journal of Transcultural Nursing 28(2):212-19.
Amish Burn Study Group, Nicole Kolacz, Mark Jaroch, Monica Bear, and Rosanna Hess. 2014. "The Effect of Burns & Wounds (B&W) / Burdock Leaf Therapy on Burn-Injured Amish Patients." Journal of Holistic Nursing 32(4):327-40.

Andrea Borella
Anthropology | Independent scholar | University of Turin
Andrea Borella is an independent scholar who received his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Turin, Italy, where he currently works as administrative staff. He is the author of Gli Amish. In his native Italy and abroad, he has spoken on and written many articles about the Amish.

Elizabeth Cooksey
Sociology and Demography | The Ohio State University
Elizabeth Cooksey is a professor of sociology and director of the CHRR at The Ohio State University. As a demographer, she is particularly interested in Amish demographic structure and change, and the influence that Amish population growth has on patterns of migration, the development of new Amish settlements, their effects on Amish life and the English communities they interact with. For the past 15 years, she has been working to create a large database of Amish communities.
Cooksey, Elizabeth, and Joseph Donnermeyer. 2013. "A Peculiar People Revisited: Demographic Foundations of the Iowa Amish in the 21st Century." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 1(1):110-26.
Cooksey, Elizabeth, and Joseph Donnermeyer. 2012. "The Amish in North America: Knowledge, Tradition, and Modernity." Pp. 77-94 in Religion and Knowledge: Sociological Perspectives, edited by Mathew Guest and Elisabeth Arweck. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Berit Jany
German | University of Colorado-Boulder
Berit Jany is senior instructor and coordinator of the undergraduate German language program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her research interests include early Anabaptism in (German) literature and German-Americana studies with a focus on historical and contemporary religious groups of German speakers in North America. Having a multi-linguistic, -cultural, and -denominational background, she brings a strongly rooted interdisciplinary perspective to her work.
Jany, Berit. 2019. "Piety and Brotherly Union: Jung-Stilling and the Mennonites." German Life and Letters 72(3):245-61.
Jany, Berit. 2019. "From Zealots to Saints: The Dichotomy of Anabaptist Images in Swiss Historical Fiction." Mennonite Quarterly Review 93(1):57-79.
Jany, Berit. 2013. "Coming Home: The Bruderhof Returns to Germany." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 1(2):31-47.

Katherine Jellison
History and Gender Studies | Ohio University
Katherine Jellison is professor of history and history department chairperson at Ohio University. She is co-chairperson of the Rural Women’s Studies Association and past president of the Agricultural History Society. Her research centers on gender issues in American consumer culture, and her publications include Entitled to Power: Farm Women and Technology, 1913-1963 (1993), It’s Our Day: America’s Love Affair with the White Wedding, 1945-2005 (2008), and numerous journal articles and book chapters. She is currently working with Steven D. Reschly on a study of Old Order Amish women’s production and consumption activities during the Great Depression.
Jellison, Katherine, and Steven Reschly. 2020. "Working Together: Women and Men on the Amish Family Farm in 1930s Lancaster County, Pennsylvania." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 8(2):113-24.
Jellison, Katherine. 2014. "Amish Women and the Household Economy during the Great Depression." Mennonite Quarterly Review 88(1):97-106.
Jellison, Katherine. 2002. "The Chosen Women: The Amish and the New Deal." Pp. 102-18 in Strangers at Home: Amish and Mennonite Women in History, edited by Kimberly Schmidt, Diane Zimmerman Umble, and Steven Reschly. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Natalie Jolly
Sociology | University of Washington
Natalie Jolly is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Washington Tacoma. After spending several years apprenticing with a midwife in central Pennsylvania, she has an ongoing interest in Amish homebirth, midwifery, and women's health more generally. Natalie is interested in Amish women's social position and in gender norms; both of which can help us understand how women (and men) live in plain society.
Jolly, Natalie. 2020. "Hemmed In? Considering the Complexities of Amish Womanhood." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 8(2):159-68.
Jolly, Natalie. 2017. "Birthing New Kinships: The Cross-Pollinating Potential of Amish Health Research." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 5(2):147-61.
Jolly, Natalie. 2014. "Amish Femininity: New Lessons from the Old Order." Journal of the Motherhood Initiative 5(2):75-89.
Jolly, Natalie. 2014. "In This World but Not of It: Midwives, Amish, and the Politics of Power." Sociological Research Online 19(2).

Jeffrey Longhofer
Social Work | Rutgers University
Jeffrey Longhofer is a Professor in the Rutgers University School of Social Work and has published several social work volumes with Oxford, Palgrave MacMillan, and Routledge. He has started important debates in plain Anabaptist research regarding agricultural sustainability, the link between genetics and mental illness, and structural systems of the Mennonites, Hutterites, and Amish.
Anderson, Cory, Joseph Donnermeyer, Jeffrey Longhofer, and Steven D. Reschly. 2019. "A Critical Appraisal of Amish Studies’ De Facto Paradigm, “Negotiating with Modernity”." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(3):725-42.
Floersch, Jerry, Jeffrey Longhofer, and Kristine Latta. 1997. "Writing Amish Culture into Genes: Biological Reductionism in a Study of Manic Depression." Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 21(2):137-59.
Kusnetzky, Lara, Jeffrey Longhofer, Jerry Floersch, and Kristine Latta. 1995. "In Search of the Climax Community: Sustainability and the Old Order Amish." Culture and Agriculture 16(50):12-14.
Longhofer, Jeffrey. 1993. "Toward a Political Economy of Inheritance: Community and Household among the Mennonites." Theory and Society 22(3):337-62. (PDF)

Martin Lutz
Economic History | Humboldt University of Berlin
Martin Lutz joined Humboldt University's Department of History in October 2012, where he is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer of social and economic history. His research interests include the influence of religion in modern economic history, the history of globalization, business history and neo-institutional theory. Martin's current research looks at religion and ethnicity's influence on economic activity. In analyzing the history of Mennonite, Amish, and Hutterite communities, he tackles the question of how these Anabaptist groups adjusted to the modern market economy in the United States and Canada in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Lutz, Martin. 2017. "Explaining Anabaptist Persistence in the Market Economy: Past Paradigms and New Institutional Economics Theory." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 5(2):239-57.
Lutz, Martin. 2017. "Amish in the Market: Competing against the Odds?" American Studies Journal 62.
Freudenburg, Maren, Martin Lutz, and Martin Radermacher. 2020. "Gospels of Prosperity and Simplicity. Assessing Variation in the Protestant Moral Economy." Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 16:Article 8.

Braxton Mitchell
Medicine and Epidemiology | University of Maryland
Braxton Mitchell is professor of medicine and epidemiology / public health at the University of Maryland. He has published extensively about the Amish, genetics, and health, and is a leader of UM's Amish Research Program.
Mitchell, Braxton, Woei-Jyh Lee, Magdalena Tolea, Kelsey Shields, Zahra Ashktorab, Laurence Magder, Kathleen Ryan, Toni Pollin, Patrick McArdle, Alan Shuldiner, and Alejandro Schaffer. 2012. "Living the Good Life? Mortality and Hospital Utilization Patterns in the Old Order Amish." PLoS ONE 7(12):e51560.
Mitchell, Braxton, Wen-Chi Hsueh, Terri King, Toni Pollin, John Sorkin, Richa Agarwala, Alejandro Schäffer, and Alan Shuldiner. 2001. "Heritability of Life Span in the Old Order Amish." American Journal of Medical Genetics 102:346-52.
Rampersaud, Evadnie, Braxton D. Mitchell, Toni I. Pollin, Mao Fu, Haiqing Shen, Jeffery R. O’Connell, Julie L. Ducharme et al. 2008. "Physical activity and the association of common FTO gene variants with body mass index and obesity." Archives of Internal Medicine 168(16): 1791-1797.

Christopher Petrovich
Theology | Independent Scholar
Christopher Petrovich is an independent scholar who is a long-term convert to the Amish/Amish-Mennonite tradition. His primary interests include history of Christianity, systematic theology, and social change. As an “insider” now living abroad, his research benefits from living at the rough edge between sermonic discourses on mission work and the limitations of planting a new community on foreign soil.
Petrovich, Christopher. 2017. "More than Forty Amish Affiliations? Charting the Fault Lines." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 5(1):120-42.
Petrovich, Christopher. 2014. "Technology in the Service of Community: Identity and Change among the Andy Weaver Amish." Mennonite Quarterly Review 88(1):23-44.
Petrovich, Christopher. 2013. "Spiritual Theology in an Amish Key: Theology, Scripture, and Praxis." Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 6:229-54.
Dan Raber
History | Ohio Amish Library
Dan Raber serves on the board of the Ohio Amish Library and is a member of the Old Order Amish.

Carel Roessingh
Anthropology | VU University-Amsterdam
Carel Roessingh studied cultural anthropology and received his Ph.D. at the University of Utrecht. His Ph.D. research was on the Belizean Garifuna and ethnicity. In 2002, he started a research project with some of his students on the organizational activities of the Mennonites in Belize. One of the main issues is the question of how the different Mennonite communities navigate between their religious principles and their business activities with people or organizations in the Belizean Society. He worked as an Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Organization Sciences. Nowadays he is retired, but still works freelance at the department of Organization Sciences, supervising students while they are doing their research and writing their Masters Thesis.
Roessingh, Carel, and Danielle Bovenberg. 2018. "Hoover Mennonites in Belize: A History of Expansion in the Shadow of Separation." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 6(1).
Kok, Anne, and Carel Roessingh. 2013. "Where "God sleeps at night": Integration, Differentiation and Fragmentation in a Mennonite Colony." Journal of Mennonite Studies 31:167-82.
Roessingh, Carel, and Tanja Plasil. 2009. Between Horse & Buggy and Four-Wheel Drive: Change and Diversity among Menonnite Settlements in Belize, Central America. Amsterdam: VU University Press.

Byran Smucker
Statistics | Miami University (Ohio)
Byran Smucker is an associate professor of Statistics at Miami University. As a statistician, his primary research interests are in the design and analysis of experiments as well as applied predictive modeling. He has also been involved in a wide variety of statistical consulting projects. Dr. Smucker was born into a conservative Anabaptist family and continues to embrace this tradition. Additionally, he has served as a non-resident adjunct professor at Sattler College.

Michael Sauder
Health | Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Michael Sauder works as a hospital medicine doctor with Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, and holds an adjunct appointment at Temple University. He earned a master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University and also in philosophy of medicine from King’s College, London. He is a member of the Old Order River Brethren and is a monthly columnist for the widely read Amish periodical Family Life.
Sauder, Michael. 2020. "Choosing Whom to Trust: Autonomy versus Reliance on Others in Medical Decision Making among Plain Anabaptists." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 8(1):167-82.

Vlatka Škender
Anthropology | Independent Scholar
Vlatka Škender is a philosopher, social anthropologist, and religious studies scholar trained at the universities of Zagreb, Heidelberg and Münster. Aside from conservative Anabaptism and
social-cosmological reproduction of Amish society, her academic interests encompass
anthropological theories of religion, Louis Dumont’s system of thought, and qualitative social
Škender, Vlatka. 2020. “Flesh, Freundschaft, and Fellowship: Towards a Holistic Model
of the Amish Kinship System.” Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 8(1):1-22. -
Skender, Vlatka. 2018. The Narrow Path: Cosmology and Social Reproduction of Amish Society. Münster, Germany: Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Münster.

Susan Trollinger
Rhetoric and Communication | University of Dayton
Susan Trollinger has published in the areas of classical rhetoric, feminist rhetoric, visual rhetoric, Protestant fundamentalism and evangelicalism, and young Earth creationism. Her book, Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012) offers an analysis of the visual rhetoric of tourism in Amish Country in Ohio. Her book, co-authored with William Trollinger, Jr., Righting America at the Creation Museum (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016) provides a close reading as well as visual/rhetorical and theological analysis of the Creation Museum, which has attracted millions of visitors and is having a profound impact on what it means to be Christian in America.
Trollinger, Susan and William Trollinger, Jr. 2017. "The Bible and Creationism.” The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America. Ed. Paul Gutjhar. New York: Oxford University Press. 216-228.
Trollinger, Susan and William Trollinger, Jr. 2016. Righting America at the Creation Museum. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Trollinger, Susan. 2012. Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Biesecker, Susan. 2008. "Heritage Versus History: Amish Tourism in Two Ohio Towns." Pp. 111-30 in The Amish and the Media, edited by Diane Zimmerman Umble and David Weaver-Zercher. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Biesecker, Susan. 2000. "Tourism in Holmes County and the Ministry of Behalt." Mennonite Historical Bulletin 61(1):1-6.