A Man and His Design | Volume 1
Imagine a world where men lead in their marriages and in raising their children. Where men lead in protecting those who are weak and oppressed. Our world needs a bold movement of men.
A Man and His Story | Volume 2
None of us were raised by a perfect father. Everything that’s killing you is in the chest of every man you know. We’re talking about character shaping, burden sharing relationships. You can’t make the journey to authentic manhood alone. Every man has a story, every guy has been shaped by the key moments in his life
A Man and His Traps | Volume 3
Following Jesus is a life of truth, passion and purpose. Idolatry takes us down a road that just leads to dead ends. Solomon tried it ALL…. One of the great dangers of idolatry is what it costs you… If you go against the plan of God, you cannot win! We must battle well, His Word is the key to the battle.
A Man and His Work | Volume 4
Work is not a curse that God intended as some kind of punishment for Adam’s sin. It is a gift, a gift designed to be a part of every man’s story. Don’t miss the importance of the Gospel in your work.
A Man and His Marriage | Volume 5
There is no more important relationship than the relationship with your wife. You are your biggest enemy to your whole marriage. You’re committed to your wife for life till death do us part…There’s a bigger purpose for marriage and a grander vision for what it can be.
A Man and His Fatherhood | Volume 6
Fathers change lives. You are the most important man in your daughter’s life. How a man nurtures a boy directly affects who he will grow into as a man. The job of a man is to connect to the heart of your child, it makes it easier for them to connect to the heart of God.