Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers
in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity | 1 Timothy 4:12

Our purpose is pretty simple: to help junior high and high school students encounter Jesus and grow in their love for Him. We also want students to connect and encourage each other in their journey toward knowing Jesus. And lastly, we want students to love and impact their worlds for Jesus. We offer several different gatherings and events that will allow students a chance to come together, ask honest questions, discuss, learn and worship Jesus.
Wednesday night Youth Group from 6:30-8:00 is our main meeting time. Here's what you can expect. During the first 20 minutes, students hang out in the youth room or play a game like basketball or dodge ball in the gym. We then have a time of worship, usually through singing with our own youth praise team. Next, Pastor Mike shares a brief introduction of the topic of the night and then we break up into our small groups based on gender and age.
On Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15, we dive deeper in the Word of God and figure out what it means to really follow Jesus, to love God, and love others. We also spend time catching up on life together and praying for each other.
We get together and have fun with events or activities! We do our best to create environments and opportunities for students to simply be together, whether that's seeing movies, playing in our gym or going to Cedar Point. We do things together because we've learned that we are simply better together. Other highlights for students include fall retreats, girls only retreats, LIFE Conferences and mission trips to
Urban Connections or the Dominican Republic.
Come join us and check out Dover Alliance youth's facebook page for more information!